Safety through education


Certified Pool Operator - CPO

CPO is a national certification valid for 5 years. Required by many states, this comprehensive training program provides attendees with a detailed approach to aquatic facility safety & management. This program covers topics including:

  • Department of Health regulations and recommendations

  • National standards including:

    Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC)

    International Swimming Pool & Spa Code (ISPSC)

  • Water testing, treatment and record keeping protocol

  • Chemicals for sanitation, oxidation, and water balance

  • Disinfection byproducts (DBPs)

  • Alternative sources of disinfection

  • Air quality in and around aquatic facilities

  • Risk management and safety considerations

  • Drowning prevention strategies

  • Cost-saving strategies

  • Design considerations and innovations

Pesticide Applicator license holders will also earn 6 Core and 4 Category 24 PA Pesticide Applicator continuing education credits.


The first half of the CPO course (Day 1) is completed online at your convenience in the comfort of your home or office. You can complete all the chapters at once or save your work over several days. You will need to complete all the chapters and receive your Record of Completion prior to starting the second half (Day 2) of the CPO course. A Pool & Spa Operator Handbook will be sent USPS Priority Mail. You will receive an e-manual of the Handbook so you can get started on the course prior to receiving it in the mail.

The second half (Day 2) is a live Webinar through Zoom. You must have audio and video on your computer to attend the Webinar. If you do not have audio and video on your computer, you can log in with a computer and cell phone. You must be able to hear and see the instructor as well as viewing a few videos. To receive your CPO certification, the instructor must be able to see you in attendance as well as hear you if you have questions.

The CPO exam will begin at the end of the Webinar. At that time, you will be given instructions about how to complete the exam.

To choose a Webinar date, click the Select Date drop down on the registration page after clicking the Add to Cart button at the bottom of this page.


February 21st, 2025 Zoom Webinar


April 4th, 2025 Zoom Webinar


September 26th, 2025 Zoom Webinar

Certified Pool Operator